It is our common aim to stop this process and think consciously about what can be done for a sustainable world.
Living your urban life there are tons of opportunities by which you can support environment protection, one of them is changing your transportation habits. Certainly you’d buy a TESLA car if you could afford, but there are other, cheaper options looking out for you, you maybe haven’t been aware yet.
Shifting to fuel efficient, zero emission vehicles has already begun, however, cities are still full of cars emitting detrimental waste products. And it doesn’t depend only on the citizens’ financial possibilities, but on urban planning and urban policies too. Until regulation adapts the future-friendly approach, there are still a lot of options awaiting for you to do something for a better world.
Firstly, you can let go of the 4-wheel models. More and more people move to cities, therefore more and more of us are likely to travel on the roads. It’s not a sustainable model to keep these big size vehicles on our narrow streets. In order to save space, you can save wheels. There are a lot of other options at your disposal, all kinds of electric vehicles: electric mopeds, electric scooters, electric bikes, electric rollers, electric self-balancing vehicles, and so on and so forth. They are so innovative, perhaps you haven’t even met them on the streets, however, you can easily access, try and buy the latest models even in Budapest.
Secondly, you should let go of your fear that switching your car to e-bike means you need to be in an A+ condition everyday. Electric bikes have smart softwares built in, by which you can easily regulate how much power you have, and how much the e-bike should add to guarantee your comfort. No sweating, but a fresh breeze on your face.
And last, but not least, engineers of these innovative vehicles designed them fitting perfectly for your transportation habits. The latest models are easy to fold up, so it isn’t a problem anymore if you include public transportation in your route. These compact e-vehicles can be stored or parked as close to you as you’d like, thus, worries for having them stolen, or for finding parking place are deceased. Some of the lately developed wheelers with built in self-balancing technology let you keep eye-contact and your hands free while gliding, just like in a car.
Are you getting interested in e-mobility? Where to start? We recommend you do what you’ve done on your own already: open your browser, and search for future-friendly electric vehicles. Look for those shops that offer the widest selection in your country, in order to not to miss any of the latest models. There are several kinds of e-vehicles, be sure you got all the information, and can differentiate a segway from an airwheel for example. By this step you can confidently narrow the options that fit best for you.
Have you already checked out your options on what to switch your car to? And you are still hesitating? Our tip is to start with personal experience: go, visit the nearest e-mobility shop in your neighbourhood, and look at the selection with your own eyes, touch them, try them. We guarantee you’ll love them.
Welcome to the future!